Flights between Munich Airport (EDDM), Germany - Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (LIRF), Italy

Coming FromMunich Airport (EDDM), Germany
Flying ToRome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (LIRF), Italy

The table below shows the detailed information of all flights that used the route EDDM - LIRF.

Ident Aircraft Coming fromFrom Going toTo Owner nameOwnerDate
D-AIUV - A320 - Lufthansa DLH1842 AIRBUS A-320 A320 Munich, Germany (EDDM) EDDM Rome, Italy (LIRF) LIRF Lufthansa Lufthansa Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:06:48 +0100 13/3/2024 4:06 pm
D-AIUV - A320 - Lufthansa DLH1848 AIRBUS A-320 A320 Munich, Germany (EDDM) EDDM Rome, Italy (LIRF) LIRF Lufthansa Lufthansa Sat, 09 Mar 2024 16:14:19 +0100 9/3/2024 4:14 pm
D-AIUU - A320 - Lufthansa DLH1842 AIRBUS A-320 A320 Munich, Germany (EDDM) EDDM Rome, Italy (LIRF) LIRF Lufthansa Lufthansa Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:21:14 +0100 11/1/2024 10:21 am
NA - NA - Lufthansa DLH1842 Not Available Not Available NA Munich, Germany (EDDM) EDDM Rome, Italy (LIRF) LIRF - - Sat, 18 Nov 2023 16:03:52 +0100 18/11/2023 4:03 pm
NA - NA - Lufthansa DLH1842 Not Available Not Available NA Munich, Germany (EDDM) EDDM Rome, Italy (LIRF) LIRF - - Sun, 22 Oct 2023 09:16:43 +0200 22/10/2023 9:16 am
D-AKNI - A321 - Lufthansa DLH3EN AIRBUS A-321 A321 Munich, Germany (EDDM) EDDM Rome, Italy (LIRF) LIRF Eurowings Eurowings Sun, 17 Sep 2023 22:53:00 +0200 17/9/2023 10:53 pm